Fanciful, But Fragile

Yesterday was a snow day here in Buford, GA. We got a whopping two (count ‘em TWO) inches and with that our lives slowed to an enjoyable pace. The slight incline out of our neighborhood was just icy enough to warn us that getting out to drive any distance might give literal meaning to the phrase “going out for a spin.” We turned on the gas logs, put a pot of soup on the stovetop, and settled in for the day.

Don and I worked throughout the day on various projects and I then I sat comfortably on the bed watching old episodes of NCIS. I didn’t think too much about the weight of the wintry mix on the
limbs of the hardwood trees outside. In fact, no thoughts of limbs falling at all, a stark contrast to when we lived in the yellow two-story on Plunketts Road. I loved that house and I loved the Georgia pines that stood tall in our front and back yards. When snow-capped and ice covered those trees glistened and, with the sun shining through them, were downright whimsical. They were at their prettiest then and also surprisingly vulnerable – fancifully frail, you might say.

As I think of those pines, I’m reminded that though they looked strong and stable, the least wind or weight could prove otherwise. They were not made to bear the weight of a heavy load. Neither are we.

Though we may look plenty strong on the outside and capable of carrying heavy loads, God knows better. That’s why He invites us to “cast our cares—stressors, worries, and heavy loads—on Him." He can and will do the heavy lifting if we let Him.

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22