According to scripture, the two greatest commands are to love God and love others. Jesus not only spoke these words, but also lived them. Maybe that’s why He so often issued the invitation, “Come follow me.” He knew who He was and where He was going, and that following Him and His example would always lead others to love and love well, to love God most of all and to love people into the Kingdom.

When Jesus said, “Come follow me” people did. Many left homes, careers, and material possessions to walk along the same paths He walked. I believe the disciples watched Jesus’ every step as they moved with Him down dusty roads, up mountain trails, and out into the countryside. They knew full well the God-sized sandals Jesus wore. And when Peter attempted to walk on water, he probably realized that Jesus’ steps were a step above all others.

When we read the gospels, we often trace the steps of Jesus. As modern day disciples, we follow His steps when we enter the waters of baptism like He did or when we rise early in the morning and withdraw to a solitary place to pray as was His habit. Do you attend church regularly? Jesus did, too.

Answering the call to follow Jesus and inviting others to follow Him is what discipleship and evangelism are all about. Studying His steps is necessary if we are to imitate His walk. But let me ask you a question. Have you ever thought about the stops of Jesus, the interruptions in his busy schedule?

Jesus walked through life on this earth one step at a time taking time to stop to meet needs along the way. He saw, really saw, the people He locked eyes with each day and He made a difference in their lives. So can we.

Today as you spend time at the ball park, with co-workers, enjoying family time, or running errands will you answer Jesus’ invitation to follow? Would you decide now to help others, tell others, love others? And as you do, imagine your feet landing in the God-sized footprints of Jesus’ who has gone this route before us.